Me Getting a Prince Albert
Versfukboii 9 years ago
This was made for educational purposes. The video shows me getting a Prince Albert piercing. I had originally posted this video shortly after I got pierced, but Xtube took it down telling me that it breached their policy (because it showed bloood). So, I've edited the video to try to make sure that there's no bleeeding. I hope this satisfies Xtube, and shows enough so that anyone interested in getting a PA can get a good idea of what to expect. Before getting the piercing, I had hoped I could see someone getting pierced so I could get a little idea of what to expect so I wouldn't have so much anxiety when I got my PA (ironically, I'm extremely needle-phobic). Since I couldn't find any, I decided to make my own video. I tried to post it to Google Videos or Youtube, or both (I can't remember, it was so long ago), but I was voilating their policy because I was showing the male genitalia. Even though they'll allow much more graphic videos of some dude's penile enlargement surgery, another dude getting surgery to fix his impotence, and a man's penis being operated on to turn it into a vagina... for some reason, they deemed my video to be in violation of their terms (even though it is strictly for education purposes!!). Anyway, I expected the piercing to hurt, but it actually didn't. I'm not sure if it was because I had so much adrenaline built up, or because the skin is so thin at the spot that the needle penetrated my penis, or because the guy who did the piercing was so calm and professional and his voice put me at ease ... but I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't experience any pain... It just felt like someone had taken their fingernails and pinched me for just a second. However, after a couple hours, it started to hurt, but it wasn't excruciating. If anyone is contemplating getting a PA, I recommend to get it now. The only regret I have is that I didn't get pierced years ago, when I first started thinking about getting pierced.
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