Playing with an *******immobilisor....
oldergaylover 9 years ago
This device is used on the farm/ranch to immobilise cows or sheep when some procedures have to be done and the *******should remain still. It can too be used to milk jism from the boyfrends. Its the like the normal electro equipment for play, just a bit stronger and greater amount custom made for the job. I glamorous much attempted the same here to experiment and feel whats its like. The probe is delicious lengthy (this probe for cow use) and so its not also bad having it in. I was on vigour setting 4 out of 10.... Appealing intensive and slightly uncomfortable! Dont have the balls to go higher yet! Likewise being what it is, playing alone is rather NOT advised, any buddies to come assist? Rubberised jacket, gasmask, thin plastic AI (Artificial Insimination) Gloves, normal rubber band on the nuts and a a worthwhile helping of lube (for conductivity). Now where are the other farmers/ranchers out there with similar devices? Please do rate / leave comment. Show more
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